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Rates and fees
The APRs listed above are estimates and do not include all applicable fees. The APR on your LE includes fees applicable to your loan and may differ

General Disclosures

• Sample payment does not include taxes, insurance or assessments. Mortgage Insurance Premium (MIP) is required for all FHA loans and Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI) is required for all conventional loans where the LTV is greater than 80%.
• Mortgage interest rates shown are based on a 40-day rate lock period.
• The displayed Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is a measure of the cost to borrow money expressed as a yearly earnings percentage.
• These mortgage rates are based upon a variety of assumptions and conditions which include a consumer credit score which may be higher or lower than your individual credit score.
What is a Mortgage Rate?
A mortgage rate is the interest rate on your home loan. There are many factors that go into deciding what your interest rate will be when securing a mortgage. These include inflation, the Federal Reserve, the yield on the 10-year Treasury note, your credit score and the mortgage company’s specific fees. Your monthly mortgage payment will include the interest you owe on your outstanding loan balance and a portion of the principal itself
Why choose Polaris Capital Partners Inc.?
We have simplified the mortgage process. Whether you’re buying a new home or refinancing your mortgage, we offer competitive and low mortgage rates without sacrificing high-quality customer service. We pride ourselves on providing customers with low mortgage rates and low fees.
How does the Interest Rate differ from the Annual Percentage Rate (APR)?
The interest rate is the rate on the loan itself and does not take into account closing costs. The APR is the interest rate with the closing costs or closing credits accounted in it. The APR provides a more direct comparison across loans if the same types of costs are included in each home loan.
Are mortgage rates the only aspect to consider when choosing between lenders?
A 4% mortgage rate versus a 3% mortgage rate may not seem like a huge difference, but that one-percentage point translates into at least a 10% difference in the monthly mortgage payment. Although our rate and monthly payments are a large factor when choosing a mortgage, it is also important to focus on the level of service that different lenders provide.
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RAY AVANZINO Senior Loan Officer
NMLS #288504 DRE: 01391664
3315 Adelaide Way Belmont CA 94002
Complaints may be directed to: Phone: (650)302-0213 or Email:
Copyright ©2020 Polaris Capital Partners Inc.. NMLS # 1752830. 6970 Wildwood Mountain Rd Santa Rosa, CA 95409 . All rights reserved. This is not an offer to enter into an agreement. Not all customers will qualify. Information, rates and programs are subject to change without notice. All products are subject to credit and property approval. Other restrictions and limitations may apply.